You are possible!
Hi, my name is Prince Gerard Mahboubian, the founder of I'mPossible. I have done many things that have been said to be impossible for me. I tell you the truth in saying that God has worked through me to make the impossible, possible.
I lost my leg through the knee and down about half a decade ago. Being a five time athlete in college, I dealt with depressing feelings of not knowing what to do or how to live my newfound life with limb loss. My goal is to give to those down in hope due to limb loss the possible results in achieving physical normalcy.
I have created several prototypes and am continuously testing new ones in search of prosthetics that one can sense and control. The goal of this is not only to recreate the abilities that prosthetic limbs can provide, but to do so with comfort. Please reach out if you're in need of a prosthetic donation.
Your support and contributions will enable us to create prosthetics/bionics for amputees in need in the U.S. Your generous donation will fund our mission to give hope.